Interestingly, there have been a lot of speculation on the contestants for the show and names like Ramya Pandian, Puzghal, Athulya Ravi, Vidyulekha Raman and Kiran Rathod have been reported to have been approached for the show.
With the shooting of 'Indian 2' directed by Shankar also being planned to resume, looks like Kamal Haasan will begin shooting for Bigg Boss 4 first and then resume the shooting for the much awaited magnum opus 'Indian 2'. The film has huge star cast which includes Kajal Aggarwal, Rakul Preet Singh, Siddharth, Vivekh and many others.
Reporter- Ayyanar Rajan , Sound Engineer - Vignesh, Voice - Soundarya ,Edit - Lenin
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